Building a modern, diverse, flexible public sector

We’re building a contemporary public sector and that means offering a range of work options to attract and retain great staff.

Supporting employees to manage their work-life balance at all stages of their lives is a business imperative. It has proven links with increased productivity, employee motivation and job satisfaction in organisations, as well as having positive health benefits for those individuals.

Flexible Working Arrangements

Flexibility at work is not about flexi-time arrangements. Flexible working arrangements can take many forms — part-time work, job-share, or purchased leave — and we commit to helping our people find the right balance between work and other interests and responsibilities.

The Determination 8 - Working Flexibly and Determination 3.1 Employment Conditions – Hours of Work, Overtime and Leave have been updated, and a number of new resources have been developed to support flexibility in the South Australian Public Sector, including: