The 2021 Your Voice survey, opened on 27 April and closed on 4 June. A sector action plan was launched in February 2022, to respond to employees’ feedback.
The survey was voluntary for all employees, and their responses are anonymous. To maintain confidentiality, it was conducted by the independent provider, ENGINE, which is bound by strict privacy provisions.
The sector action plan which was developed focused on key areas:
- Defining what makes a good leader in the sector, ensuring leaders have the skills and training to deliver, and holding them to account when they don't.
- Providing greater support and more relevant tools so employees can nurture and manage wellbeing.
- Ensuring the sector is respectful and inclusive, and its recruitment processes are fair and transparent.
The Highlights Report presents key survey themes and results for the South Australian public sector from the 2021 survey.
View the 2021 Highlights Report (PDF)2021 Highlights Report (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF)
Highlights Reports for agencies which are represented on the Chief Executive Council (CEC) can be viewed below. The CEC is responsible for driving public sector performance and capability and leading the public sector to achieve whole of government and strategic priorities.
- Attorney-General’s Department
- Department for Child Protection
- Department for Correctional Services
- Department for Education
- Department for Energy and Mining
- Department for Environment and Water
- Department for Infrastructure and Transport
- Department for Innovation and Skills
- Department for Trade and Investment
- Department of Human Services
- Department of Primary Industries and Regions
- Department of the Premier and Cabinet
- Department of Treasury and Finance
- Environment Protection Authority
- Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment
- SA Health
- South Australia Police
Additional agencies (not part of CEC) that have chosen to release their results on this website are listed below: