Integrity is a collective responsibility. Every individual must play their part by recognising that integrity starts with our own actions and choices.

The South Australian public sector's commitment to upholding integrity and accountability is embedded in our Code of Ethics and public sector values, and we hold our people to the highest standards. It means being honest, treating others with respect and adhering to ethical principles - even when nobody is watching.

Integrity starts with all of us, in the decisions we make each day.

Integrity checklist

For individuals

  • consistently uphold and act with the highest standard of honesty, transparency and accountability both in and out of the workplace
  • be mindful of appropriate and ethical conduct
  • respectfully call out conduct which may be perceived as dishonest, disrespectful, or outside the expectations of the public sector
  • seek advice if in doubt after witnessing unethical or questionable behaviour or actions
  • demonstrate respectful and inclusive behaviour and show tolerance of others
  • be familiar with the Office for Public Integrity and Ombudsman SA's reporting obligations.

For leaders

  • hold individuals and your teams to account for behaviours, actions and individual performance
  • lead by example
  • set clear expectations for your team relating to duties and conduct
  • create a safe, inclusive team environment
  • seek feedback on behaviours and actions and conduct regular performance conversations
  • ensure reporting structures are in place
  • promote appropriate reporting of matters
  • encourage others to seek clarification when unsure about speaking up and reporting unethical behaviours
  • take responsibility to identify, manage and report suspected misconduct.

Integrity in decision-making

Everyday decisions that may seem straightforward and reasonable to the decision-maker can be perceived differently by others. To embed integrity into our decision-making, we must consider the possible perceptions and implications of all decisions.

  • Ensure effective contract management and record keeping practices are in place for accountability and transparency.
  • Contracts are appropriately designed for ease of compliance, and expectations are regularly communicated with suppliers.
  • Approving officers do not 'rubber stamp' purchases, but apply genuine scrutiny to ensure compliance with policy and procedures.


  • Make decisions and appointments fairly and with an open mind - give equal opportunity and consideration to all candidates.
  • Ensure any direct appointments are justified and be transparent about your rationale.
  • Declare a conflict of interest when on a selection panel if you know an applicant.


  • Ensure allowances are awarded and applied in the appropriate context for which they're intended.
  • Consider sharing acting opportunities between several employees rather than one employee, or run an informal Expression of Interest process to give all relevant employees the opportunity to be considered.
  • Avoid using reclassification as a reward. Classification should reflect the value of the duties of the role.
  • Increment acceleration requires evidence of an employee’s experience to avoid perceived favouritism or team culture issues.


  • Be clear that public resources and work time cannot be used to support secondary employment.
  • Ensure any conflict of interest associated with outside employment is declared and managed.

  • Give and receive feedback openly, constructively and respectfully. Feedback conversations should be timely and ongoing.
  • Have the difficult conversations. These build relationships between the manager and employee, and build team trust that the manager will take action when needed.
  • Follow through on performance issues. Implement formal processes where necessary.


  • When deciding not to renew a contract, prepare clear and transparent rationale about the reasons for the decision.
  • When extending one contract but not another, prepare an appropriate explanation to provide an  employee if asked.
